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tv   News4 at 5  NBC  February 5, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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these are pictures taken by george. he lives a few doors away. he says that he hasn't seen anything like this before. >> all of a sudden i saw flames and smoke. going up the building. i called and said something strange is happening here. i mane, i have never seen anything as big as that. >> reporter: the scene, a boarded-up apartment house on r street southeast. two alarms. 75 firefighters, flames shooting high into the air. it was so hot. so smokey. so dangerous. pyre fighters had to pull back into a surround and drown strategy. >> we had to move from offensive operations to zeef operations in order to get the bulk of the fire knocked down. once we were able to get that bulk of the fire knocked down, we made an interior attack and that's when we found the two victims. >> reporter: inside the first floor, rescue workers found the
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bodies of two adults. they appeared to be squatters. they appeared to be victims of the fire. without it be fair to say you are not surprise bid what happened here today? >> i'm so not surprised. i her behind them. maybe some someone listened maybe had a wouldn't have happened. >> reporter: that's erica walker. she lives in the building next door. for some time she says she heard people making noise in that boarded-up apartment. she says she's complained to officials but nothing was done. >> i called multiple times. month one would ever do anything. >> reporter: the department of consumer and regulatory affairs tells a different story. they say back in 2011 this apartment was designated as a blighted property. they say last may, and again in december, d.c. r.a. workers boarded up doors and windows at this apartment that were open and accessible.
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i talked to a woman who says that a man lived in that boarded-up apartment so long, she thought of him as a neighbor. her story coming up at 6:00. live in southeast, pat collins, news4. a show of support for a maryland family devastated after a fire that ripped through their home. right now a fund-raiser is being held at the chick fillet. their parents and two other children survived. the cause is still under investigation. developing story right now in alexandria where a 10-year-old boy facing charges after he brought a toy gun to school. police stopped the boy at douglas macarthur elementary today. they were tipped off after an incident yesterday aboard a school bus. as david culliver reports now,
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parents still have a lot of questions about what happened. >> reporter: parents we talked to aren't worried so much about the toy gun that was found on a student this morning. they are more concerned with how the school handled the investigation and why they waited until this morning to notify police. today during dismissal would police officers stood outside of macarthur elementary. had watched smas students went home on the bus. others had parents picking them up. most everyone had heard about the 10-year-old student taken into custody this morning. in a letter sent home to parents the principal wrote the child had a fake look-alike gun she he showed to another student on the bus monday evening. this morning school staff were waiting for the student. the parents wonder why they weren't notified earlier. >> we 00 heard from the school. nobody understood what happened, what did they know and what had been done at that point. >> there is a rum or the school didn't handle the situation immediately and didn't try to get to the bottom of it. that's very concerning. >> reporter: a spokesperson says
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the school launched their own investigation last night. they even tried reaching out to the student accused in the case. when that student arrived at school this morning, he was immediately brought into a separate room and that's when school administrators found that toy gun. coming up tonight at 6:00, what disciplinary action that student paces. plus, why one mom says she wasn't worried at all. i'm david culver, news4. a wide range in temperatures around our region tonight. and we have more changes heading our way. >> we down deed. storm team 4 chief meteorologist doug kammerer is here with a first look at conditions right now. doug? >> some of us stayed in the 30s all da long while others were in the low 50s across our southern tier with sunshine little earlier. right now the clouds moved back in and believe it or not looking at a few snow showers into parts of the area. parts of frederick county and northern montgomery county. just light flurry activity making its way through. even light shower activity. rain showers in through portions
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of loudoun county. we will continue to watch out for that. look at the mums. 37 in gaithersburg. 48 towards fredericksburg. 51 right now towards charlottesville. warmer air was trying to move in here but it didn't affect all of us as we go lou the rest of the night tonight, let's head right down towards rockville. temperatures tonight going to be falling down into the 30s across the region and waking up to about 29 degrees in rockville early tomorrow morning. i will talk about our next storm. this one could be a big one. we will talk about it. >> thank you, doug. fans lined the streets in the stadium. to congratulate the ravens on their super bowl victory in new orleans sunday. >> chris gordon is live in baltimore with a look at how charm city spent this day celebrati celebrating. >> reporter: good evening. celebration started at city hall. there was a parade you spoke of through baltimore. they had a pep rally and purple pride was on display. the ravens got much love and
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respect. the super bowl victory celebration started about an hour late. ravens fans passing the time with cheers. maryland governor martin o'malley was there. the show at saul belonged to baltimore mayor stephanie rowlands blake. >> can i get one big cheer for our super bowl mvp, joe flacco. >> reporter: for many fans the highlight was seeing ray lewis. >> two for me. it is two for me. the city of baltimore. i love you forever and ever. and ever. and ever. >> i love him. he is such a wonderful, nice man. and he loves baltimore and baltimore loves loip. >> reporter: the players got a military vehicles and floats for the parade. ♪ there was marching band. ravens cheerleaders. police and fire department, honor guards and motorcycles. the parade made its way through
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baltimore. crowds lining the streets to see the players and thank the team. at m&t bank stadium it was so crowded that some disappointed fans were turned away. >> by the time we got here they said it was so crowded, you had people jumping on top of the gates trying to get in. they had police at every enfrance. stopping people from coming in. >> reporter: the players took the field to cheers. linebacker ray lewis carried the super bowl trophy into the stadium and then as fans had hoped, expected, he treated them to a last dance on hometure. >> of best thing was seeing ray lewis hold the trophy. that was it is best thing in the world. he's retiring but we are going to miss you, ray. >> reporter: some parents brought their children. toddlers, infants. you know they won't remember being here but the parents say they took pictures and they will speak of it often. they will remember how they
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shared this day in baltimore. and the history of this city and the ravens. that's the latest live at federal hill in baltimore. chris gordon, news4. back to you. >> coming up, talking about the super bowl with coach harbaugh. unfortunately, the celebrations in baltimore turned violent this afternoon. one person was killed. two others hurt after a stabbing that happened about nine blocks from m&t bank stadium. as everyone was leaving the festivities. police say the stabbing happened during some sort of fight. it is not clear if it was related to the celebration. police say the person had a was killed is a juvenile. members of the media want more access to information about the chandra levy murder case. there were two hearings involving transcripts and dodges connected with the case. but the proceedings were closed to both the public and the press. tomorrow another hearing will determine whether news organizations will have access to future proceedings.
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a salvadoran man was convicted of killing levy in 2010. he is serving a 60-year prison sentence. his attorneys are trying to have that conviction thrown out. the government can use drone attacks to kill american citizens if they are believed to be high-ranking terrorists. that is the argument today in a confidential justice department memo obtained by nbc news. it provided legal rationale for a drone strike in yemen that killed two suspected al qaeda operatives. both were u.s. citizens who had never been charged. according to the memo, it is unlawful to target al qaeda linked americans if they pose an eminent threat to the u.s. but the memo says that does not require information about a specific attack. president obama is asking congress to come up with a short-term package to head off the across-the-board spending cuts known as sequestration. if congress does not do something automatic cuts take
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effect on march 1. president obama acknowledged today a budget agreement is not likely by then but is asking congress to pass a smaller package of spending cuts and tax reforms to delay the sequester until a long-term solution is found. >> proposals that i put forward during the fiscal cliff negotiations in discussions with speaker boehner and others are still very much on the table. >> solvinging america's problems starts with what every family does every month. they have got to do a budget. >> senate republicans say they will examine the president's plan but they also plan to introduce their own to avoid the first year of defense cuts by reducing the size of the federal work force through attrition. also, president obama will be visiting israel this spring. the president and israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu talked about the trip in a phone call last week. the white house says the visit is an opportunity to reaffirm the deep bond between our two
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countries and also provides an opportunity to talk about the way forward on iran and syria among other issues. the dates for the trip not yet announced. we are getting a look tonight at that accident that led to the season-ending injury for olympic gold medalist lindsey vonn. why some people are questioning the conditions at this course. >> a school community ready to embrace ethan. he is the 5-year-old held captive for nearly a week in that underground bunker. find out how they plan to celebrate his return to campus fnchlts you are still struggling to keep the new year's weight loss resolution, a helpful guide might be right at the tip of your fingers.
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we are one month into the new year's pit must and diet goals. how sit going? >> how is it going? >> finding yourself needing that extra push? angie goff shows us some of the best apps to keep you on track. >> reporter: the resolution to get fit so easily falls behind. >> there is a saying in spanish, the sheet is stuck to me.
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will's some morpgs the sticks are sticking to me. >> reporter: working mom admits time is limited and motivation doesn't always come easy. which is why she taps into her personal trainer on her smartphone. >> i use the app and it is great because you can actually keep it on your body while you are working on. so it actually logs your workout. i use it when i run and use it when i work out here in my home. ♪ everything is going to be all right ♪ >> reporter: the app is like a gps tracker for weight loss. it is a game. pitting her up against her friends we can nudge each other to say i haven't seen you working out in a while. when i see my friends jumping me in points, no, i have to get a workout in today. when i see where i land innocent points, maybe i can get in another walk at lunch time. >> reporter: counting on friends. all kinds of incentives to break a sweat. you commit to the days you will work out and how much you are willing to pay if you miss one. at the end of week those who
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skip the gym feed the pool and the dedicated split the money. for those forgetful at what they ate or did, it is like a diary for logging mood, activities and weight. it even works online. for $100 you can get a pedometer tracked by your phone. gaining traction with techies is called moves. pair your phone in your pocket or bag and it traction your daily steps whether you are walking, running, dri cycling. once you get home and want to cook, download goji. it will help you make stuff that's healthy. >> go through yrator and pick out foods you already bought. all you have to do center them into the app and it will come up with healthy recipes that include most of them. her fitness goals, she uses multiple apps. the more you tap the more you will stay on track. >> you have to have the fit must, nutrition and support. >> reporter: don't forget, a little fun.
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>> all of these apps you can use on iphone or android on google play. for more information just search diet apps on our website. at least your fingers will get a workout. just sent out your first instagram. >> i'm on twitter, facebook. i spoke to sixth graders today. island creek elementary school. you have to get on instagram. where have you been? they all had their hands in the air with instagram. i did this for you. jim and wendy, my first instagram picture right will. >> do you like it? >> what does one do with an instagram? >> i'm hoping some of them will show me how to do that. take a luc at these guys. little earlier, went down there and spoke to 125 of them. all about the weather in our area. this is in alexandria and fairfax county. school kids had a lot of questions about the weather today.
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again, very interested about those apps. we were talking about just how well you can use those apps to record the weather and what kind of things you can do with that as far as sending in pictures of the weather and we always encourage to you do so right here. 40 degrees. wind out of the northeast at 7 miles per hour. that does give us a windchill. we have seen a lot of clouds around the d.c. metro area. some locations haven't seen much in the way of cloud cover at all. down towards the south we saw some sunshine and with that sunshine, we are ail to break out into warmer numbers. high temperatures today even a little bit warmer than what we were expecting to the south. a 5 4 degrees. that was the number towards fredericksburg. here are the numbers from earlier today. 37 in frederick. 34 in hagerstown. but 54 down towards fredericksburg and charlottesville coming in at 56. sunshine and warmer weather just to the south. they are still on the warmer side. 48 in fredericksburg. 34 in frederick. difference there of 14, 15 degrees across our region. very short amount of time. one thing that's going on here, we also have some shower activity. rain showers back towards
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loudoun county. some snow showers up towards frederick county. right around the mt. ary area. snow showers coming through. even saw grapple earlier. you have to look that up. don't have time to explain that now. in case you want to look that up. we have a couple of other chances for snow that will try to make its way in overnight. most should fade out and dry out across our region. we are not going to see anything accumulating. don't worry about that. . future weather shows what happen was our next storm. tomorrow we are looking at sunshine. plenty of sunshine on wednesday. tomorrow, i think the best day of the week as temperature move into the 40s. thursday, the cloud cover moves back in. we also get a little bit cooler but then we look at provide. here comes the storm, potential coastal storm, that will have a lot of rain associated with it. and potential is there for a big snowstorm just back to the mortds and west, portions of west virginia and western maryland. maybe closer to our area and maybe along tip 81 corridor. this is something we will have to watch out for.
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philadelphia, new york, boston, can all see snow. boston could see over a foot. once again, this is a good storm for us. one to two inches of rain. we are going to be watching it very, very closely here. high temperatures tomorrow. up to 45 degrees. on thursday, high of 43. temperatures down a little bit. right back up on provide. high of 47 in the d.c. metro area. again, cooler to the north and west. good chance of rain and as i mentioned then on saturday and sunday, clearing out. much nicer. temperatures 44 on saturday. 50 on sunday. another chance of rain coming up on monday. we are bogey to start to see things get interesting again starting with this storm on friday. another storm on monday. potentially another storm after had a. we are going to start getting stormy. >> all right. thank you, doug. there's big battle for funding on virginia roads. we know the taxes will be going up. the question is which ones? i'm liz crenshaw. a warn being fraudulent flu products for sale. my story is coming up. in sports tonight, we are going to hear from the super
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bowl winning head coach john harbaugh about today's celebration in c and...done. did you just turn your ringer off so no one would interrupt us? oh no, i... just used my geico app to get a tow truck.
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it's gonna be 30 minutes. oh, so that means that we won't be stuck up here, for hours, with nothing to do. oh i get it, you wanna pass the time, huh. (holds up phone) fruit ninja!!! emergency roadside assistance. just a click away with the geico mobile app.
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welcome home. >> yeah. good to be home. >> there was no parade for. >> did you never is. unfortunately. >> but will were lemon bars in
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the cafeteria today. we were celebrating that. >> i struck out twice. good times. everybody is happy who is a ravens fan. next time they win the super bowl they may need to get a bigger stadium. m&t stadium so full that they had to shut the gates. then fans started climbing the gates trying to get in. before the super bowl champs made it to the stadium they took to the streets. tens of thousands of fans on hand to see ray lewis and the ravens. it was a party for sure. so many fans that the team was actually late for its own parade. check out all of these people. man. wrapped up at the stadium. and all of those on hand got one last look at sweet ray lewis' pre-game dance. jason pew braved the crowds and made it to baltimore. i understand it took quite some time, jason, didn't it? >> reporter: yeah, dan. i will never complain about the traffic in d.c. ever again after
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today trying to get to m&t stadium. it was a great time. before the team and players and coaches went to the field to talk to the fans and celebrate the moment, i had a chance to catch up with head coach john harbaugh to get his thoughts on this experience and winning the super bowl. >> feels really great. i don't know if there are words for it. all the words you can think of, amazing, incredible, mag myth sent. the whole crowd, stadium, full beyond capacity. meyer marshals closed the thing off. it is -- i have never seen anything like tonight my life. >> reporter: what's the last two days been like for you? >> just -- real peaceful, to be honest with you. peace has come over me and lot of guys. i talked to the guys where it sunk in or not. everything was so focus order the game and football. we see the media, from outside perspective. wow. all that was going on. i don't think we -- we didn't have our mind on that. always on the football. >> reporter: coaches always talk about you know, taking a day or
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would to enjoy a victory. how long do you take to enjoy super bowl? >> you know, honestly, we will be at work tomorrow morning at 9:00. actually 8:30, we have a staff meeting. going to work and start making our plans for next year. >> reporter: i'm sure you talked to your brother. how does he feel? >> you know, he will be fine. jim is tough. he is a competitor. they had a great season. i have said it before. i think she the best coach if football. they will keep building onning what they have done and have done great things. >> reporter: since becoming head coach of the ravens, john harbaugh has not missed the playoffs and capped it off this year with a super bowl title. he's an elite head coach in the nfl. jason pugh, news4 sports. >> i understand you got a chance to catch up with torrey smith as well, former maryland wide receiver. we will have that at 6:00. >> reporter: absolutely. caught up with torrey smith and a few other players. they are all on cloud nine. celebrating the super bowl championship. it was great day to be a ravens fan. >> thank you. from baltimore. how about jason pugh, i'm in new
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orleans all week trying to get a one-on-one with the head coach. he is in baltimore for one day and gets a one-on-one with the head coach of the bowl champs. impressive. >> that's called patience. >> true. he did a good job. 6-year-old is abducted in d.c. her family is plan particular. especially since they think the child is with her mother and mother's friend. we have the worst traffic in the country. so what can be done about it? >> the federal government is suing one of the agencies that raided mortgages during the mortgage crisis and there is word employees lojoked about th looming collapse.
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past forward lou the headlines. two people are dead tonight after a massive fire at a boarded-up apartment in southeast d.c. this morning. fire iters tell us the flames were so intense they had to fight it from outside. once it was out, they found the two people dead inside. officials say they appeared to be squatters. a 10-year-old is in police custody for bringing a toy gun to school. this happened at douglas macarthur in alexandria. the boy was confronted by police this morning. the principal says they alerted officers traffic boy showed the gun to a student on the bus yesterday. purple and black as far as the eye could see today. pans packed the streets by the tens of thousands to catch a glimpse of the players, coaches,
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and the lombardi trophy today during a ravens victory parade. there was also a celebration over at m&t stadium. complete with one last dance from, you guessed it, retiring linebacker, ray lewis. that's a retirement party. let's face forward to the weather. >> i didn't realize, i wore my purple today. i did not mean to do that by any means. redskins fan, through and through. baltimore, nice job, guys. as far as the snow is concerned few snow showers towards baltimore earlier. good day out there for a parade. look what's going on back to the west. another little clipper system will rye to make its way through the area. moss of the precipitation will stay to the north. i would not be surprised to see a few flurries, snow shower. do not expect much. our next storm, though, will be much, much bigger. we will talk about that in just a minute. we all know it. now it is official. our regions that worst traffic in the entire of america. a new study that ranked the district worse than l.a. and new york for this bumper-to-bumper
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congestion we sit in every day. it is looking good right there now. we have team coverage on two big transportation stories that impact our entire region. we are learning new details about how the roads are going to be i am proved in virginia. we are going to begin with our transportation reporter adam tuss who is in tysons corner looking at the heart of our problem. >> reporter: yeah, the list goes on and on why our traffic is so bad. along the beltway in tysons corner. you can see the brake lights behind me. slow roll tonight. when you talk to transportation leaders about ways to fight our xwrid lock, one word keeps coming up. options. it would be one thing if our region just took the punch from our horrible congestion on the chin and turned away. but the region is trying to fight back. the head of transportation planning for the region's council of government says take a look at all the ways communities are being reshaped around metro stations. development that promotes walking, where transit is your vehicle.
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>> rosslyn, silver spring, other places, revival downtown, you know, we are the envy of other metropolitan areas. nobody has done as well as we have in that regard. we have -- we are number one on good things as well as the bad things. >> reporter: he says we have to keep making investments in transportation and on a lot of levels that means there has to be political will to make tough choices. >> that's a big part of our challenge. because the perception is that many cases, that -- people don't want to increase taxes and we haven't made a good enough case. >> reporter: across our region, there are signs that we are investing and in some cases getting very creative about fighting congestion. metro's silver line, new beltway express lanes in northern virginia. in maryland, connector. the in the district wilgdly popular bike sharing program that's become the largest in the country. stewart schwartz, head of the coalition for smarter growth, says we immediate to keep doing what we are already doing. >> great news is the market is headed that way and we have -- young people, downsizing empty nesters and families, everybody
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trying to find a way to live closer to work and live where they have access to other options, including transit. >> reporter: back here now live along the beltway in tysons corner. traffic slowly rolls mitt. coming up at 6:00, times finally raise the gas tax sxwuns for all to fund transportation. interesting response. hundreds of millions of dollars in new transportation funding hang in the balance in richmond today. northern virginia bureau chief julie carey joins from us the newsroom with a look at the dramatically different funding plans considered by the house and senate. >> the virginia house has already voted a pew hours ago. now the drama shifts to the senate because it plan takes a much different approach than what governor bob mcdonnell has been pushing. >> time for delay and inaction and excuses is over. today is the day of reckoning. >> reporter: governor mcdonnell turning up the pressure on law makers to approve transportation funding bills by today's
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deadline. the virginia house complied quickly but made a few changes in the plan originally promoted by the governor. the house measure still scrap it is state's 17.5 cents on tax and instead hikes the sales tax to 5.5%. lawmakers ditched an unpopular part of mcdonnell's proposal that had prius owners circling the capitol in protest last week. lawmakers stripped out a $100 fee on hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles that the governor wanted to levy. he considered that a friendly amendment and praise the house action. >> the quality of life in northern virginia, hampton roads, richmond, our ability to attract new jobs to the state, and is continually being undermined by the fact we have not addressed our infrastructure problems in our state. >> house democrats argue it is a mistake to drop the gas tax and forfeit millions from out-of-state drivers and say the bill falls far short of what is needed to fund northern virginia projects.
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>> we need and study after study has been at least a billion dollars of infrastructure need plus a half billion in maintenance. this come in at best with $300 million and that's it. >> traid $3 billion over the net five years. what will the virginia senate do? yesterday the republican bill sponsor there introduce ad substitute that still gets rid of the gas tax. instead levy as new 5.5% sales tax on gas. it does not call for the governor's hike on the regular state sales tax. measure drops the hybrid tax and $15 increase in vehicle registration fees. that should make morning virginia drivers happy. debate on the senate floor is scheduled to start within the hour. today the d.c. council is taking action after complaints nurses are overworked and that puts patients at risk. phil mendelson introduce ad new measure. it would require hospitals to increase the number of nurses on
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duty. some hospitals claim those new requirements aren't needed and are too expensivive. the chief executive of george washington hospital told "the washington post" that increase staff cost could cost $15 million a year. the future brighter for eternal flame at arlington national flame. a local company has been award ad contract to upgrade the flame on the grave of president john f. kennedy. the executive director of the cemetery says the current flame is experiencing malfunctions. it was installed in 1967 and over the next three months,es a corporation much landover will be installing you a mated controls and more energy efficient system. a maryland law maker is accused of trying to silence a ravens football player speaking out about gay rights. find out why he got in trouble because of the stationary he used to write the letter. i will give you a billion dollar reason to look into lost
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the family of a little boy  rescued in alabama says he's happy to be back home with them and has been playing with his old toys. >> investigators continue to sweep that rural property where the kidnapper held the boy for nearly a week. authorities are collecting evidence at the scene which is in rural midland city. the body of the alleged k ed
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kidnapper remains in the underground bunker where he and the boy were holed up. dykes was killed yesterday as the officers moved in. today school officials say they are not sure when ethan will return to school but are anxious to see him again. >> everybody knows ethan. he is just a good kid. just a friendly kid. and our teachers are ready to wrap their arms around him when he comes back. >> school officials also say they are planning on told a big birthday party for ethan. he turns 6 years old tomorrow. they will also honor the bus driver who was killed when when the gunman grabbed the boy. a maryland delegate who tried to stop a football player from publicly supporting same-sex marriage is drawing criticism from a state ethics panel. delegate emmitt burns wrote a letter complaining to the owner of the ravens when linebacker
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brendon ayanbadejo. dramatic unveiling. king richard iii is coming to life. yesterday british archaeologists announced a skeleton found under a parking lot in the city of lester is definitely that of the king. today a facial reconstruction was unveiled based on a ct scan of the well-preserved skull. richard iii was vilified after death as a blood-thirsty power ruler who seized the throne after murdering his own nephews. hoifr, some historians believed the tutors who came after him invented those stories. a woman who led the search for richards remains and hopes to restore his reputation. she is a star on slopes and we know the gold medalist lindh vonn is out for the season. she wasn't the only one that had an accident on the course. plus the family of a 6-year-old girl in the district is frantic. she was abducted by her mother but that is not their only
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concern. temperatures move back into the 40s over the next couple of days. we have a lot of cloud cover now. but the next storm is a couple of hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush?
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bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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pear in northeast d.c. is frantic with worry tonight for his 6-year-old daughter's safety. >> she's has been missing nearly a week. as jackie bensen reports the child is thought to be with her mother and with a man that's wanted by police. >> reporter: at his daughter's favorite playground near rpk stadium, eric birts is overcome by emotion. worn down from six days of constant worry and fear. he has not seen 6-year-old eriona who he is raising on his
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own since last thursday when her mother, ebony andrews, ex-girlfriend visiting from arkansas, asked to take her to the grocery store. >> eriona asked if she could go, too. i let her go. i haven't seen them since. >> reporter: birts believes anderson, who who he says he's legally blind from a medical decision, was riffen by her boyfriend. birts says the would are aspiring rappers. williams calls himself capone. the mother goes by absolute. news4 learned williams is wanted by police in pulaski county, arkansas, for a violation of probation that could send him back to prison. birts believes the two are on the run with eriona who spent a brief period of time with her mother since birth. >> my daughter is in dangerous situation right now. she is in dangerous situation. she don't know anybody down there, around her. she's around a whole bunch of men. >> reporter: birts struggled for composure as he sent a message
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to his daughter. >> i miss you. i miss you so much. i'm going to come get you, i promise. i'm going to come get you. i will do anything for you. daddy going to come get you. okay. i promise. >> reporter: eric birts says he went to court the day after his daughter disappeared. he has been granted sole temporary custody of eriona. in northeast washington, jackie bensen, news4. >> d.c. police are investigating eriona's disappearance as a missing person's case. pit bull owners rallied in annapolis today. they want more protection when their pet bites someone. maryland law considers pit bulls inherently dangerous. it makes owners liable even if their dog has never bitten anyone before. >> the ones -- none of the focus is on the back story of who was
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behind that situation and where is the legislation and where are the criminal justice system going after the people that are doing these things and creating problems. that's what we immediate to focus on. >> demonstrators support a new measure that would hold all owners equally responsible for their dogs' actions. the new measure would allow the owner to prove in court that the dog is not dangerous. let's check some of the stories trending online today. >> first up today, this accident is going to keep olympic gold medalist lindsey vonn off the slopes for the rest of the season. she lost her balance on a jump at the alpine world championships in austria today. she was airlifted to the hospital. the damage, two torn knee ligaments and a broken leg. there were visibly concerns earlier today, visibility concerns. a worker also crashed on the slopes. but ski officials say that conditions were fine by the time
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vonn took her vonn is expected to return for in time for the 2014 games in russia. 61% of adult facebook users in our country took a break from the site for a few weeks at a time. 20% quit it altogether. reasons range from being too busy to getting bombarded with too much drama. i thought that's why we went on facebook. budweiser is speaking of drama here, turns to social media to help name one of the stars of its super bowl commercial. the one everybody kind of choked up over. the anheuser-busch company named the 3 week old clydesdale foal hope. it was a popular suggestion from facebook, tweets, and messages it received after the commercial ran. we saw it over and over. >> we did. there is a range of temperatures out will. we are already focussed on the possibility of our next storm. >> how big are we talking? >> it could be a really big storm as we make our way lou the day on friday. but the good news is that it will not be million provide.
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we have the rest of tonight, all of wednesday, thursday, and then we focused our attention on friday. right now a very nice evening. not too bad. little bit on the cool side. temperatures around 40 degrees. that's not bad at palm winds out of the northeast at about 7 miles an hour. puts our windchill around 36 right now. current temperatures, 37 in gaithersburg. 42 at ft. belvoir. 37 in annapolis and huntingtown. s to the cool side. you will need the coats as you step outside. some of you may see snow showers or rain showers. here's what we have going through the area right now. these are very, very light. you can see the heaviest right now right over baltimore as these continue to move up towards the mortds and east. will are a few more back doors to west. we are going to watch another clipper system make its way towards the east and eventually just over our region. but this, just like yesterday's snow, don't think will make its way over the mountains which means we should stay on the dry side overnight tonight. just not surprised to see a flurry or two. mostly cloudy skies around 8:00.
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temperature of 38. 36 by 11:00. waking up tomorrow temperatures ruined freezing in the metro area. little bit cooler in some of the suburbs. it will start off rather chilly with mostly cloudy skies. then we will see plenty of sunshine. here is what we will see on friday. this area of low pressure will make its way up across our region and right now, it looks like the coldest air will stay just to the west of the 59 corridor which means for most of us, an all-rain event. it could be a significant rain event with one to two inches of rain, back to the west, a significant snow event. this is what we will be watching closely over the next few days to see exactly how this storm takes shape around our region. this evening, 45 degrees for wednesday. 43 on your thursday. there is the rain on friday. this weekend, not bad at all. 44 on saturday. 50 degrees coming up on sunday. sunday looking very nice. next chance of rain on monday. provide is the day we are going to be watching closely. possible snow or ice. well to the west. mainly rain for most of us. once again, it could be possibly sxhaef maybe one to two inches. we will continue to watch it for
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you right here. >> warning tonight about over-the-counter products claiming to cure the flu. there is a report that reveals there is $1 billion in forgotten life insurance policies. just waiting out there to be claimed. >> virginia university named top value in a new study out today. liz crenshaw is here to tell us which one. >> we are going to start with the warning against buying fraudulent flu products. the food and drug administration warns scammers are selling products with claims to prevent, to treat or cure the flu. the fda says there are no legally marketed over the counter drugs to prevent or cure the flu. the fraudulent products are sold online and retail stores and may include dietary supplements, foods, drugs, nasal sprays, and there are, however, legal products to reduce fever and to relieve muscle aches and pain. now on to that billion dollars in forgotten or misplaced life insurance policies, consumer reports says that there are at least $1 billion in benefits waiting to be claimed.
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the average unclaimed life insurance benefit is $2,000. how do you search for a lost policy? well, start simple. go to missing it is a website where you can search records from 38 states and beyond. contact the insurer if you know the insurer that underwrote the policy. contact that carrier's claim office. or search the personal records. if the person died recently and you have the authority search their files for a policy. records of premium payments or bills from the insurer. finally, though, be beware of scammers. insurers are stepping up their efforts to find people but so are the scammers. if you receive a solicitation claiming to be from an insurer don't respond. instead look up the phone number or web address for the company's claims department and contact the company yourself. finally, a virginia school does top the list of the princeton reviews best value colleges for wirt. the university of virginia in
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charlottesville has been named the best value public college this year. best values is based on assessments that cover academics, costs, financial aid. and the annual list released today also names the university of north carolina at chapel hill, new college of florida, william & mary came in at number four. university of california rounded out the top public five. when it comes to the best value private college, swathmore college, harvard, williams cole, princeton and pomona college in california. good for uva topping the public schools for best value. >> very good. standard & poor's accused of defrauding investors, billions of dollars. some of the workers may have even joked about it. president obama tackles immigration reform. live on capitol hill with reaction. >> plan tonight to allow loved >> plan tonight to allow loved ones to visit their family
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a ratings firm under fire tonight. the justice department says standard & poor's intentionally misled investors to make a profit. as danielle leigh reports now, the feds want $5 billion in damages. >> reporter: the 2008 foreclosure crisis affected more than than kicked out of their
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homes. thousands of investorses that purchased the port mortgage lost billions. now the federal government is suing standard & poor's the company that rated those investments, accusing it of fraud. >> this is long overdue accountability moment. and even though it is long overdue it is very for that it is finally happening. >> reporter: here is what happened. home buyers obtained mortgages and that were packaged and sold into larger investments called securities. financial institutions paid standard & poor's to rate them. investors bought those securities based on s&p's stamp of approval. the federal government is accusing the agency of giving risky securities high ratings to make money. >> this alleged conduct is egregious and goes to the very heart of the recent financial crisis. >> reporter: this los angeles federal district court lawsuit alleges one s&p's employee even joked about the loominging crisis in an e-mail. writing subprime is boiling over. and s&p's attorney denies the allegations. >> no proof because it isn't so. >> reporter: flied abram said
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analyst has no idea the market would collapse as it did. >> the ratings that were issued were believed by the people that issued them. and that's what the government has got to disprove. >> reporter: now it is up to the court to decide a case consumer advocates call up with step towards justice. in washington, danielle leigh, nbc news. >> department of justice has been investigating the case since 2009. in addition to seeking damages, the lawsuit is seeking reforms to prevent similar actions in the future. right now at 6:00, more questions than answers tonight after two people are found dead inside of an apartment building. parents are reacting to the police arresting a 10-year-old child for taking a toy gun to school. texting and driving in virginia is one step closer to becoming a primary offense. and good evening. i'm wendy rieger sitting in for doreen who is on assign. >> i'm jim vance. immigration is one of the most emotional and divisive topics in america. but for the first time in a


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